Making it safe
Protecting the Quolls and other endangered wildlife from predators
The Fence
The conservation fence is the key to the success of this reserve protecting our beautiful and unique animals and plants from the threats of feral animals. Without the fence ecological restoration could not take place. The first stage of the fence was installed in 2020. This was a massive milestone for the property.
The fence is over 1.8 metres high and 5km long encompassing 160 hectares of pristine habitat for our native animals to thrive. The first phase of the fence was designed to free the property of wild dogs and feral pigs. The wild dogs were having a devastating effect on the wildlife and the feral pigs do a great deal of damage to vast areas of the landscape.
The fence at Quoll Headquarters is an Australian first in conservation. The Quolls within the reserve are 100% wild and they can come and go from the reserve at any time.
The fenced sanctuary offers a safehaven away from known threats to the quoll like wild dogs, habitat destruction, motor vehicles and human persecution whilst still allowing the quolls to maintain their natural home range.
We would like to thank Humane Society International Australia and the Biodiversity Conservation Trust for their contributions to this critically important conservation infrastructure.